Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Confessions of A Boyfriend-Hopper

Yup, I jumped from one boyfriend to a different boyfriend within a week. I used to tell my friends never to do this, to take time to reconnect with yourself between boys and get to know yourself again. In fact, at first I was so embarrassed by what I viewed as hypocritical actions that I almost didn't post this. I was told that by posting pictures with my new boyfriend so close to the break-up with my old boyfriend that I made myself look like a not very good person.

But here's the thing. I didn't cheat on my ex-boyfriend. And I broke up with him so that I would be happier, which I told him. Being with Cory makes me happy, and the entire time I've known him and talked with him and now dated him, I've been nothing but happy.

Here's the thing. Being with someone helps you learn about yourself in other ways. I've learned that I absolutely cannot be with someone who doesn't want the same things in life as me. I've learned that I'm a hopeless romantic and don't want to date anyone who isn't. And I've learned that I'm seriously serious about all the relationships that I'm going to take part in now, and I can't be with someone who isn't. I know that I have a lot of personal growing left to do, and I have to learn to be on my own. But at the same time, I am happy. And I am going to continue to be happy in this new relationship as long as I am in it.

I would also like to say that my relationships that are nobodies business, but as a member of the online community, being on the internet and posting photos on the internet means that my relationship is definitely other people's business. When you can comment on and see every detail of a persons life, it becomes hard to keep anything private. So yes, my relationship is the business of every person that sees it on Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, or this blog. But while I choose to share a lot of things with the online community, there is a lot I don't share, because the parts of my life that are unhappy, or filled with arguments, or falling apart, are the parts that I'm not going to blatantly post on the internet for outsiders to see and comment on.

So yes, I went from a relationship that seemed amazing online to all of you viewers at home, to a relationship that is amazing on and off Facebook. Yes, I might seem like less of a person, I might seem like an unsavory woman, or whatever you want to say. But I'm happier, and feel better because of it, and I'm going to continue to live my best life for me. You're invited to watch.

Alexis Olmstead is a 20something  that is just trying to figure life out and is learning to drive. Yeah, she isn't kidding, she just learned to drive and she's terrified. She watches too much Parks and Rec and loves every minute of it. For more opinions and rants, check back often. 

P.S. That's her smokin' hot boyfriend. You like him, trust her. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

On The Road Again....

Lately I've been horrible about updating. I also haven't really been inspired to post anything. I've been so busy with Into the Woods, work, and trying to learn to drive, that I haven't even thought about it.

But recently, all my friends graduated from college, and a bunch of them landed sweet new jobs. I'm gonna start by saying congrats, guys. If you're reading this, I love you all so much and I am so proud of everything you have accomplished.

However, seeing all these posts about graduation threw me into a weird young-adult crisis. I should be graduating with those people. I should be walking across a stage in front of a ridiculous amount of people and posing for group pictures with my friends. If I only I hadn't messed around so much in college, if I only I had actually gone back after a year like I promised myself I would, if only I wasn't so scared to go back, if only if only if only.

But here's the thing, I believe that some things in life happen for a reason. And if I'm going to be stuck in Omak I might as well make the best of it. Maybe I'm not meant to work at Home Depot forever (I am definitely not meant for that), but maybe I was meant to work there and meet someone who will help me accomplish everything I've ever wanted to in life.

I have to believe that there is some higher purpose to my life and that I'm going down a road that will lead me to ultimate happiness. I mean, maybe I wasn't meant to be at Whitworth and that's why I didn't stay. But I met people there that will always be a part of my life, no matter where I choose to go back to school. I've stumbled and gotten lost more than once over the past three years, but I feel like I'm starting to figure it out.

I can't give up on my dreams just because I occasionally get discouraged by seeing all my friends accomplishing wonderful things in the world. If anything, seeing them graduating and going off to all corners of the world should inspire me to make a move in my life so I can do the same thing.

Here's to a better future. #nowheretogobutUP

Alexis Olmstead is a 21 year old diva living and working in boring Okanogan County. She spends her days watching too much Parks and Rec (is there such a thing?), crocheting, and staring obsessively at her phone. For more updates as she learns important life lessons, check back sporadically.