Sunday, June 2, 2013

Introduction to Finality

Sometimes we as people remember something and it instantly makes a lump appear in the back of our throats. Why do memories of good times make us sad? Because as the author and vlogbrother John Green said, "it hurts because it mattered". There are chapters in life we can only revisit between the pages of a scrapbook, with a bittersweet smile on our face. Experiences like high school, college, thing thing you gave up so you could do another thing, that one musical you worked on, childhood, et cetera can only happen once and too often we forget that.

Everyone starts a new chapter of life everyday. So make today count. When looking back on this chapter from your next one, why leave room for regrets? Make everything you do important, make it good, make it worthwhile, because all of it is taking up a page of your life's story. I think it was Jo Rowling that said that a life lived too cautiously is no life at all, so remember that. Make memories.Take chances. Give yourself something to look back on, and live without regrets.

Life is too short for regret.

Life is a great big canvas. Throw all the paint on it you can. - Danny Kaye


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